Preschool 3s
Summer is over and it’s time to start Preschool! We have lots of fun and exciting activities planned. We will be getting to know all of our friends during the first week. The rest of the month will be filled with learning about Apples and Fall. We will also be introduced to the letters A and B along with numerals 1 to 5 and reviewing shapes and colors.
We will start the month with name recognition and talking about what our name starts with before we start tracing our names. We will be using Zoophonics this year to learn our Alphabet. The children will begin with the letters A and B by saying their sound and thinking of words that start with these letters.
The children will be reviewing shapes and then we will focus on counting to five. We will also start one-to-one correspondence with the numerals 1 to 5. We will also be sorting by color and start patterning.
We will be using tweezers and water droppers for fine motor along with playing with play dough and painting with Q- tips. For gross motor we will be using the parachute, walking on a balance beam, and going on a Nature Walk.
The children will be using magnify glasses to look at their fingerprints they will make using stamp pads. We will be tasting different apples and graphing our favorite. For our STEAM activity we will be mixing red and yellow on leaves to see what color we create.
Special Announcements
- Happy Birthday to Ava on September 16th!!!
- Preschool starts September 5th!!!
- Please have your child bring their yellow preschool folder to EVERY Preschool class.