Notes from the Pastor: October 2018

ChurchPastor's Blog

Notes from the Pastor

Rev. Mike KrewsonIn order to get to know the congregation, six cottage meetings were held — five in member’s homes and one at church. Conversations at those meetings revealed that members and friends of St. Philip’s like the church a lot. The nearly 50 members and friends said St. Philip’s is a welcoming and friendly church which is the right size with the kind of worship they like. They feel we are now on a more stable and sustainable path. Many people are deeply concerned about the lack of young people with families, taking that as a symbol that St. Philip’s future is in jeopardy.

While I agree hard work is needed for our church to remain strong and healthy, as a point of perspective, many churches would love to have what we have! Dozens of families come here and entrust our Early Childhood Center (ECC) with their children. They share many of the values we hold dear including love for children, a calling to reach out and help those less fortunate, a desire to connect face to face with each other, and much more.

A significant portion of their financial commitment comes to support the church through the rent paid by ECC to the congregation. These families are already participating in the church. They are the church, even before we think about ways we do things together.

As church, let’s continue to do our best to participate in the activities most central to our preferences and age, AND strive, when we can, to attend the activities and events of those in the other age group.

For example:

Wednesdays in October (3rd, 17th, and 24th)
LOGOS from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
(Note: There is no Logos Program on the 10th or 31st)

Saturday, October 13
Trunk or Treat at 6:30 p.m.

As we plan future activities, we need to place a high priority on continuing to be inviting and finding points of similarity with each other as to what we prefer. We have much to be grateful for and many blessing to share with each other and with our community and world.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome and great installation service! I look forward to continuing to get to know you and to sharing in ministry with you here.

Rev. Mike