Notes from the Pastor: February 2019

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Notes from the Pastor

Dear St. Philip’s United Church of Christ;

Thank you for your generous ongoing participation and support of your church and your commitment for the coming year! Because of you, mission and ministry has happened and will continue to be provided for 100s of members, friends, acquaintances, our wider early childhood center families and people around St. Louis, our nation and world.

You may take pride in your church’s commitment to ministry in the coming year. Our leaders asked for a significant increase above previous levels — and the answer from the congregation was a resounding: “Yes!” General Fund pledges increased nearly 17%! Combined (General and Building) increased more than 14%! The vast majority of givers increased their intentions by an average of more than $4 per week!

This is an amazing level of response! It is humbling and I will strive with all my heart to live up to expectations. It will take all of us, and judging by the level of partnership shown so far — we will meet and exceed these lofty goals!

An important challenge will be to sustain this higher participation and commitment so our church remains strong in the future. Supporting one another in good times and when relationships are new — is one level of being church. Staying in communication and relationship as we disagree, strive toward competing priorities and otherwise cooperate — is another and even more important level.

The benefits of the mutual support, fellowship, help and challenge that St. Philip’s can bring will be of high value and prove worthy of the high level of commitment members have made.

Again I thank you for your participation and support. I will strive to live up to the trust you have placed in me.

May God’s love guide us in 2019!

Pastor Mike Krewson