From the Pastor’s Desk: April 2022

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From the Pastor's Desk
Rev. Mike Krewson

Our ‘Good Enough’ Lenten series concludes this month with worship on Easter celebrating our Lord’s Resurrection! On that day (April 17) we will have communion and we will baptize Sloane Slavik (daughter of Holly and Sam)!

You are also invited to worship with us on Good Friday, April 15, at noon as we remember the crucifixion together.

As the pandemic winds down (we hope) and the temperature increases, it will be tempting to say “yes” to more activities than we can pursue with excellence. For many, climbing the ladder of increasing expectations has become a habit and a way of life. This year, let’s strive for activities that are a closer match to our life mission as we understand it and say “no” to other activities which merely occur when the calendar is free. Time for prayer, worship and conversations about our spiritual priorities with trusted partners will gain us focus which will increase our sense of joy and accomplishment. May ‘Good Enough’ provide a life of balance and deeper fulfillment.

In addition, in April we will gather our One Great Hour of Sharing offering which deploys resources to people in need all around the world and in our own communities. When man-made or natural disasters strike, love responds. These gifts help for the immediate need and seek to position communities for the long haul. You can learn more at We will gather OGHS offering on April 10, 17, and 24. Use the printed envelope included in the bulletin or write 2022 OGHS on your check.

Pastor Mike Krewson