From the Pastor’s Desk: June 2022

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From the Pastor's Desk
Rev. Mike Krewson

Upset? Maybe it’s God calling?

Many people I know are so upset about the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, this week. They think watching the news is making them less effective at work and with their loved ones.

But what if the high emotions and grief are one way God uses to help you know how to use your spiritual gifts to make the world a better place?

In the Bible, when church starter Paul was upset about a slave woman’s public shouting about spiritual things, he stopped what he was doing, listened to her, and helped her so much that she no longer made her owners so much money (Acts 16:16-34). This sets events into motion that got him in trouble (good trouble) and made the lives of many people better.

If events in the News are upsetting to you — maybe God is calling you to take action and work with others on something important, perhaps in ways that end up making the world a better place.

Excerpts from a post by Michael Todd on May 25, 2022

Thoughts and prayers? Yes, by all means, think… ponder deeply our culture… Think about a better way. Think about better leaders… and better systems. Yes, absolutely go ahead and pray. Pray to the God who already told us to turn our swords into plowshares. Pray listening, listening to the wailing of the parents whose children were cut down today, listening to the voice of the Spirit who calls us to… action… seeks… healing & peace… & hope. Such thinking and praying WILL change our doing. And if our “thoughts and prayers” don’t change us and our doing, then we are not really thinking nor are we really praying.

Pastor Mike Krewson