Lunch Bunch: August 10, 2022

ChurchNews & Events

Lunch Time

Lunch Bunch

Wednesday, August 10, 2022
12:00 p.m.

Tucker’s Place Restaurant
3939 Union Rd
St. Louis, MO 63125

Lunch, lunch, it is our
favorite meal to munch.
Soup, salad, or BLTs on toast.
we don’t know which we like the most.
Sandwiches, pasta, and fries we adore,
plus, friends to laugh with who could ask for more!
If we could choose and have our way,
we’d eat lunch with the group all day!

Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at Tucker’s Place Restaurant located at 3939 Union Road.

Sign up on the bulletin board or RSVP with Mary Dykstra at 314-822-3981 by August 8th.

Hope you will join us so that we can mutter, “Glad you are here, now pass the butter!”