Mrs. Julie’s Preschool 3s: March 2022

preschoolEarly Childhood Center, ECC Three Year Olds

ECC Preschool 3s

March 2022 Preschool Press

Mrs. Julie’s Preschool 3s

four-leaf clover

A Note from Mrs. Julie

Nicer weather is hopefully coming soon. Please make sure your child wears appropriate shoes since we will be going outside for activities.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email at any time.

Mrs. Julie
Preschool Lead

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 314-843-2114 Ext: 208

What are We Learning


We will learn about the letters S, T, and U with Zoophonics. We will meet Sammy the Snake, Timothy the Turtle, and Umber the Umbrella Bird. We will continue to review all the letters we have learned this year as well.


The children will count snakes and match numbers on strawberries. We will also make birds with tangrams.


For fine motor, we will make snakes with play dough, cut orange paper to make tiger stripes, and draw pictures while laying under the table. For gross motor, we will do a go on a leprechaun hunt, toss bean bags in an umbrella, and do an “Under Over Obstacle Course.”


The children will explore with classroom items that sink or float. We will also dig for gold coins and find unicorns in a sensory bin.


The children will work together in a sandwich shop, and answer “Have Your Ever Seen A Leprechaun?”

Important Dates

  • March 21-25 – Spring Break (No Preschool)
  • March 29 – Parent Conferences (No Preschool)Valentine Party


Please remember folders need to be brought to school EVERY Tuesday and Thursday.

Lending Library books will be checked out on March 3rd (returned on March 10th) and March 17th (returned on March 24th).

Download Preschool 3s Calendar