Preschool Press 4s: November 2023

preschoolEarly Childhood Center, ECC Four Year Olds

ECC Preschool 4s

November 2023 Preschool Press

What are We Learning


We will review the letters H, I, & J this month. The children will be doing our Zoophonics with hammering letter H words. We will also be story sequencing “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell.”


The children will make shape stables for horses, count beads while making an inchworm, and graph jellybeans. We will also measure Thanksgiving items.


For fine motor, we will transfer honeycombs with tweezers, lace an inchworm, and write with feathers. For gross motor, the children will hammer the letter H, play hopscotch outside, and dance with jingle bells.


We will make hearts on the light table, and make Ten Frames with ice cream. We will also explore with Jello in sensory bags.


The children will play “Who Am I?” with farm animals, graph their favorite ice cream. For Thanksgiving we will play “Yes Please, No Thank You” to review our manners and talk about the different foods we eat on Thanksgiving.


Monday: Language, Tuesday: Science, Wednesday: Life Skills, Thursday: Geography

  • *Week of Nov. 6th: Sequencing, Nature Leaves, Setting the Table, Kansas
  • *Week of Nov. 13th: Sequencning, Acorns, Good Manners, Nebraska
  • *Week of Nov. 20th: Book-“The Scarecrow’s Hat”, Turkeys, (Thanksgiving Break)
  • *Week of Nov. 27th: Opposites, Sink VS. Float, Chores – Dishes & Laundry, Iowa

Important Dates

  • Nov. 1st – Hunger Drive Starts
  • Nov. 17th – Thanksgiving History Celebration
  • Nov. 22nd – No Preschool
  • Nov. 23rd & 24th – Center Closed (Thanksgiving)
  • Nov. 30th – Hunger Drive Ends


*Please remember folders need to be brought to school everyday.

*Please contact me with any absences, questions, or comment related Preschool.

Note From Ms. Julie

We will have a Thanksgiving History Celebration with Preschool 3s. I will send out more information when the time gets closer. 

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to call or email at any time. 

Ms. Julie

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 314-843-2114   Ext: 208