Notes from the Pastor: August 2019

PastorPastor's Blog

Notes from the Pastor

Rev. Mike KrewsonIn the Bible, in his letter to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul names what
he calls: spiritual gifts.

“… the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23a NIV)

How often do you think about the personal qualities God has given you? The list of spiritual gifts in Paul’s letter to the Christians in Galatia is a helpful way to see a range of strengths you might have, but this list is certainly not an exhaustive one.

One value in taking a few minutes to think about these is that it can give permission during a busy season to focus on activities in areas you appreciate, enjoy and excel at.

Fruit is the fleshy part of a plant that grows around it seed. It helps the plant reproduce, providing nutrition during seed germination as it grows strong enough to do the work that plants do: drawing from earth and air, photo synthesizing sunlight to store up needed elements for future.

Do you think of yourself in these terms? Do you organize elements to help or sustain family and friends and make the world a place more like God wants?

Consider meditating on the whole list of spiritual gift from this verse and then choose one from the list and ask for even more ability to use this quality to accomplish God’s work in your life and in the world.

Confirmation Class Forming

Young people of Confirmation age or their families may contact the church office or speak to Pastor Mike to get on the list forming for a class to explore church, the Bible, faith, service and more starting this fall and concluding around Easter 2020. We’ll decide together how the class will be structured and how to have to most positive experience together.

Pastor Mike Krewson