We are GLAD you stopped by!
We designed this section of our website to be very easy for you to get everything you need. We hope that it answers all your questions and that you will decide to come visit us this Sunday or anytime!

First things you’ll want to know…
St. Philip’s United Church of Christ is a warm, caring community of Christians excited about the future of God’s Church and their part in his work. We value coming together every week as a church family to be nurtured and to receive grace and spiritual guidance.
Our friendly, relaxed atmosphere is evident when you enter our bright gathering space. We value worship, fellowship and service in the community. Our programs for children, youth, and adults bring us together to study, pray, work and worship. Each person has a place in our community and a gift to contribute.
St. Philip told the other disciples to “Come and See.” This is the motto of our congregation. We offer you a chance to learn, to grow, and to serve as disciples of Jesus Christ.
St. Philip’s History

A survey in the Concord Village area during the summer of 1957 by Eden Seminary students determined a church was needed. The first service was held in the basement of Tesson Valley Hall. The name “St. Philip’s” was chosen after receiving suggestions from the congregation and Philip’s words in John 1:46 “Come and See” became the motto of the congregation.
The church met in Dressel School and moved into the present sanctuary in 1961. Over the years the building has been added to with our latest addition being the gathering space in 2001. The Early Childhood Center was started 10 years after the church was founded, and has always been an important part of our ministry.
St. Philip’s has been served by many fine pastors and many fine lay leaders. We believe strongly in a shared ministry of all members and celebrate our work in mission beyond the walls of St. Philip’s. We are still young.
Why belong to a Church?
Life is hard. Sometimes it just downright stinks. The husbands and wives, sons and daughters of this church know that having a Church “community” or Church “family” that they can turn to in times of need makes getting through life a LOT easier. Not only that, but when times are good, we can spend time learning to be better people, to love each other better, try and hold each other accountable and challenge each other to be the best people God intended us to be so that we might fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.
Read on…
We invite you to continue reading the rest of this Welcome Center to learn more about our church… hope to see you THIS Sunday!