Serve Your Church
Vision Statement
We are called to the body of Jesus Christ with: minds to study God’s word, mouths to proclaim the Gospel, eyes to see the needs of others, arms to welcome all, and hearts big enough to share God’s love with all God’s children.
Mission Statement
St. Philip’s United Church of Christ is a loving Christian community believing in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share God’s love with all people.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Members create shawls that the membership blesses during worship service. The prayer shawls are then given to church members who are ill (shawls can also be given to specially requested individuals).
St. Philip’s Council
St. Philip’s Church Council is the decision making body of the Congregation.
The Council is comprised of 12 members elected by the Congregation. The President, Vice President, Council Secretary and Council Treasurer are elected for a two-year term. The Chairpersons of the Early Child Center, Christian Education, Evangelism, Fellowship and Service, Property and Grounds, Stewardship and Finance, and Worship and Music Boards are members of the Council for a one- year period (or as long as they are a Chairperson).
Council meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday after the first Sunday of each month. Council meetings are open to the Congregation, and the Congregation is welcome to attend.
Minutes of each meeting are made available to Congregation Members.
The Pastor, Comptroller, and Financial Secretary are ex-officio members of the Council.
Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM)
OCWM Resources
Find resources that highlight the work being done in the national setting which is supported by Our Church’s Wider Mission. Resources include print and post for church bulletin boards, use in newsletters or on websites. These materials are great for church members, church leadership, and stewardship and mission committees.
Explore what we do together in the Conference and national ministries as one church.