Mrs. Julie’s Preschool 4s: September 2019

preschoolEarly Childhood Center

ECC Preschool 4s

September 2019 Preschool Press

Mrs. Julie’s Preschool 4s

From the Teacher

Welcome Back to Preschool!

Ms. Crystal and I are so excited to start preschool this school year! We have lots of new and fun things planned for the little ones.

If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to ask. I can be reached at [email protected].

~ Mrs. Julie

What are We Learning


We will be learning about the letters A, B, and C with Zoophonics. We will be talking about the sound each letter makes and words that start with each letter. Each week, we will have to guess what is in the Mystery Box that starts with each letter, make a letter poster, and write each letter. The children will be spelling their name and start to recognize their last name as well as writing their names.


The children will be tracing shapes, Allie the Alligator number line, one-to-one correspondence to an apple tree, matching bears to their colored caves, and counting clowns and cows.


The sensory table will consist of crinkled paper along with letters, alligators and apples, bears and bunnies, leaves, caterpillars, clowns and cows, and dinosaurs.


The children will be practicing fine motor with lacing beads on pipe cleaners, using clothespins and tweezers, and water droppers. We will be clapping names, tossing bean bags, doing a balloon bop, and going on a leaf hunt for gross motor.

Important Dates

  • September 4 – First Day of Preschool
  • September 9 – Enrichments Start
  • September 11 – Lending Library Starts
  • September 21 – Fall Festival from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Please remember to have your child bring their folder on every Preschool day. This helps in sending home their work and any important information you need to know.

Download Preschool 4s Calendar