Notes from the Pastor: January 2019

PastorPastor's Blog

Notes from the Pastor

Rev. Mike Krewson

Caring for Others

A most prevalent value all the people and organizations I have gotten to know since my start here is the centrality of a mission consciousness! We are Christian and following Jesus means to us, among other things, that we care for our community and world as well as our loved ones and fellow church members.

When we give to Our Church’s Wider Ministry, a portion of that money goes to Global Ministries, the arm of our church’s work beyond our local setting. Their vision is that all of God’s people and creation share in God’s abundant life. Their mission is to receive and share the Good News of Jesus Christ by joining with global and local partners to work for justice, reconciliation, and peace.

I am proud to be a part of a church that holds these values and works so very helpfully in concrete ways to make our world more like Jesus calls us to be.

You may learn all about Global Ministries at, a joint ministry of The United Church of Christ and the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ.

Bible Study — Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 

In answer to the desire of several people at St. Philip’s United Church, a Bible Study session will begin on Wednesday, January 2, 2019! You don’t need to read ahead. Together we will look at scripture likely to be the focus of the worship service for the coming Sunday. I use, as the basis for this focus, The Revised Common Lectionary, which you can find at: 

(or many other websites). But again, you don’t need to read ahead.

You are invited, each Wednesday beginning at 3:00 p.m! No experience necessary. All levels of interest welcome. You don’t need to have come before. 

Many people have found Bible Study to be a profound, positive experience. We will focus on the Bible, but be attentive to the needs and wishes of those who attend as well.

Rev. Mike