Outreach Ministry News: January 2021

ChurchNews & Events

Outreach Ministry

Thanks to all for supporting our Advent Outreach Programs. Gift cards for $250 were purchased and delivered to Feed My People. We purchased one $50 Schnucks card for a Christmas dinner and four $50 Walmart cards, so that each of the four people in our family could select gifts of their choice. As of Christmas Day, we have collected $570 — $255 over the amount for our adopt a family project, so that the excess, $255, will go to pay down overdue utility bills, which could result in stopped services.

Our cap and mitten tree is beautiful, completely covered with caps, mittens, and scarves. Wish you could all see it. A final count of the number of items will appear in the February Crier article. Items donated will go to Every Child’s Hope (formerly Evangelical Children’s Home), Caroline Mission, and Unleashing Potential (formerly Neighborhood Houses). They serve school-age kids in after-school programs, and the need is great. Thanks so much for your generosity.