Outreach Ministry News: November 2022

ChurchNews & Events


As Thanksgiving approaches, we all have much to be thankful for and grateful for. Isaiah 58 Ministries has a “Buy a Bird” Thanksgiving program that provides families with Thanksgiving Holiday Baskets with ingredients for Thanksgiving Dinner. For a contribution of $30, you can feed one family; for $300 you can feed 10 families. For details, see the Poster on the bulletin board in the Gathering Space.

Advent is almost here!!! We will again participate in Feed My People’s “Adopt a Family” program.

Since the onset of COVID, they have focused on providing families with gift cards rather than actual items. We will soon be getting the first names and ages of members of our family, and that information will be shared in an email and in church announcements.

In the past, we have had families with four or five members. We are hoping to collect enough money for a $50 gift card for each and a $50 grocery gift card for a holiday meal. Contributions can be made in regular donation envelopes, with the amount specified to “Adopt a Family.”

Our traditional Hat, Mitten, and Scarf tree will appear in the gathering area during Hanging of the Greens, so start looking for warm fuzzy items to buy, or start knitting. Items donated will go to Caroline Mission, so children’s items are appreciated. Since the children have parents and older siblings, all sizes can be used.

The Angel Team

The Angel Team, a part of the Outreach Ministry, provides help and support to members of the St. Philip’s Family on an as-needed basis. We hope to update our information sheets and will provide blank copies for updating to those attending services.

The form includes emergency medical information and emergency contacts for members. There is also a place for you to indicate how you might be willing to provide help and support to others. For members who do not attend regularly, please contact Barbara Barnes (314-843-4157) and a form will be sent to you.