Ukraine Relief

ChurchNews & Events

Dear Friends,

As the crisis in Ukraine continues, the refugees need so much help and support. St. Philip’s would like to begin a Special Fund to help these people. Funds will go to UCC Global Ministries, which will provide food, shelter, transportation, and other services for refugees, and people left behind, including the elderly and those needing emergency medical care.

If you would like to contribute, you can do so by including a check payable to St. Philip’s in your offering envelope, putting it in the collection plate, or mailing it to Kathy Shelton. Please be sure to put UCC Ukraine Fund on the memo line of the check and on the outside of the envelope, so it can be credited properly. Kathy and Carl Philips are more than happy to process these donations.

Donations will appear on your giving statements and can be tax-deductible. We are confident that the money will be well used to help these desperately cold and hungry people. God Bless them.

Thank you so much,

Virginia Hladnick and Barbara Barnes